Meaningful necklace with purple amethyst gemstones and Om pendant! OM is the smallest and most important mantra. Amethyst is one of the most spiritual and protective gemstones, an all purpose healer.
Amethyst: February birthstone; balance, protection, focus, crown chakra
OM Symbol: signifies the trinity of God, divinity and the oneness of all creations
Materials: amethyst stones 6 mm; sterling silver; OM pewter pendant
Length: 17 inches; optional sterling silver 2" chain extender
"Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." ~ Sanskrit Proverb
<<Hier n’est qu’un rêve et demain n’est qu’une illusion. Mais un aujourd’hui bien vécu fait de chaque hier un rêve de bonheur et de chaque demain une vision d’espoir.>>
-- Proverbe Sanskrit